Monday, January 6, 2014

Menu Plan 1/6-1/12

Hello lovelies! Here is my dinner plans for the week!

Monday- Baked chicken, asparagus, macaroni and cheese

Tuesday- Biscuits and gravy, eggs

Wednesday- Unsloppy joes, broccoli

Thursday- Beans and cornbread

Friday- Pizza

Saturday- Navajo tacos

Sunday- Turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans (I got a free turkey when I bought my thanksgiving ham!)

For breakfast I usually have yogurt and granola, homemade muffins, or a smoothie. And I either eat leftovers or a salad for lunch! Nothing major :)


Thursday, January 2, 2014

Meal planning

Good morning Lovelies!

One way I save money is to meal plan! As of the first of the year I am attempting a whole month of meal planning, instead of just weekly. Meal planning can be extremely simple! All I do it sit down with a few supplies and usually while little man is taking a nap. 

Meal Planning Supplies:

- planner
- sticky tabs
- pens
- iPad/ Pinterest

Since I using my planner to meal plan, I know what we have had for dinner in the past few weeks, so we won't be repeating meals. I also have a general plan for each day. 

Monday - Meat (main portion of dinner is meat. I.e., baked chicken, with broccoli and pasta)

Tuesday - crockpot/quick fix (something simple, not a lot of hands on time come dinner time)

Wednesday - new recipe! (I don't do this every week! But I try to at least once a month)

Thursday - crockpot/quick fix (can you tell I love easy recipes!?)

Friday - Italian food

Saturday - Mexican food

Sunday - soup/grill (soup in colder months/ grill in warmer months)

Having a general idea of what kind of meals I want to make each night makes meal planning so simple! 

Usually when I'm making a plan I fill in each day first (such as all Mondays first, then Tuesdays and so on and so forth), but you can do it however you please, there is no wrong way! Then I use sticky tabs (found at Walmart for $1) and use then to fill in each day. That way nothing is permanent, and I can move meals around if needed. But I still have a plan and I'm not trying to figure out dinner come 5 o'clock!

I also plan around what I have in the pantry. If I still have a few pork chops in the freezer and more rice than pasta in the pantry, we will make sure to use those up in the following month.  I try to keep a good food supply in my pantry and freezer, just in case something were to happen and we were unable to buy groceries.

When it comes down to it, meal planning saves me time and money!

There you have it folks! Have a fabulous day!


Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Hello World!

Hey y'all! My name's Katey, and I'm a wife and mom! I try my hardest to live a frugal lifestyle, and try to have my family live within our means. I'm starting this blog in hopes that it will help me stick to my New Years resolution to save even more and live more frugally. Here is my list of goals for 2014!

- Save $20 each week to put in to our emergency fund
- continue making all of our food from scratch, NO convenience food!!!
- stick to my $300 a month grocery budget
- cut eating out down! I can't put a specific number on the amount of times on this yet, but I'm hoping to within the next few months. There are days when I want to order pizza, or go out to dinner with my husband! But I want to learn to do so frugally. 
- GET HEALTHY!!  I want my family to eat more fresh vegetables and fruits, get more active, and cut down on our sugar intake. 

There we have it folks! Just some small goals for this new year! I hope to post here frequently with tips and recipes to help keep me motivated.